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Ryota Kikuchi Plays Liszt ~ Collection from YouTube Live Streams

Franz Liszt was born on October 22, 1811.  To commemorate the 211th anniversary of his birth, we have collected several of his works performed by Ryota Kikuchi, who deeply loves Liszt. He illuminates the various faces of Liszt's works: sweet, superb, and internal...and his own original arrangements: Ghibli medley Liszt style, and Liszt medley.


Liebesträume no.3 + Happy Birthday on 20211122 

愛の夢 (1850)

Ghibli Medly Liszt style on 2021122


 Liszt Medley on 20220107


Hungarian Rhapsody no.2 on 20220923

ハンガリー狂詩曲 (1847)

Un Sospiro on 20220114

ため息 (1845-49)

Harmonies du Soir on 20221013 / Classic Music Guide Channel 

夕べの調べ (1851)

Les Jeux d'Eau à la Villa d'Este on 20210822

エステ荘の噴水 (1858)

Légendes La prédication aux oiseaux on 20220707

2つの伝説より 小鳥に説教するアッシジの聖フランチェスコ (1863)

Légendes St.François de Paule marchant sur les flots on 20220930

2つの伝説より 波の上を渡るパオラの聖フランチェスコ (1863)

Nuages Gris on 2021122

暗い雲 (1881)

Mephist no.2 on 20190519

メフィストワルツ2番 (1880-1881)

Mephisto Waltz no.3 on 20210220

メフィストワルツ3番 (1883)

Mephisto Waltz no.4 on 20220819

メフィストワルツ4番 (1885)

En Rêve on 20220114

夢の中に (1885)